| Lifting operation and installations of the car on supports is connected with danger! Therefore before carrying out operation study Poddomkrachivaniye's Section and towage
1 Mark paint the provision of the corresponding forward wheel concerning a nave. It will allow to establish at assembly the balanced wheel in its former situation. Weaken bolts of fastening of a wheel at the car standing on the earth. Lift a forward part of the car, put it on supports and remove a forward wheel.
2 Take out a cable and a brake hose from the holder-1-on a depreciation rack. |
3 Turn off bolts of fastening and remove a support from a guide from a rotary fist and tie a wire to a body, address the Section Removal and installation of a guide of a forward brake.
| Do not disconnect a brake hose. Otherwise at installation it is necessary to delete air from the brake system. |
4 Cars with xenon lamps: Remove a corner of the-1-angular hinge of adjustment of range of light from the cross lever-2-. |
5 Turn off a nut of a-1-kachatelny support-2-from a depreciation rack. At the same time hold a wrench-3-for the hinge pin planes. |
7 Turn off a nut-1-and remove the hinge-2-from the rotary lever-3 a stripper, for example, of HAZET 779-1. |
8 Bind the rotary lever a wire that it did not fall.
9 Turn off on several turns a bolt-1-and remove the rotary lever-2-from a depreciation rack-3-down. |
10 If the rotary lever is not removed (the lower arrow), unclench vents of the rotary lever and record position of the tool. HUNDRED are applied to this purpose by the special BMW-31-2-200 or KLANN KL-0101 tool. Insert the tool in vents and turn on a corner 90 °. |
11 Prop up from below a depreciation rack the garage elevator that it did not fall at an otvorachivaniye of the top fastening.
12 Turn off three nuts of fastening-1 support of a depreciation rack. |
| If in a support of a depreciation rack there is no aligning pin-2-or the corresponding opening, it is possible to turn off only one nut. Mark position of a carving finger in relation to a wheel arch perhaps more precisely that later installations to keep former disorder of wheels. |
13 Take out a depreciation rack from a wheel arch. |