BMW 3 Series E46 - BMW 3 cars (E46) Identification numbers of the car Acquisition of spare parts Technology of service, tool and equipment of a workplace Poddomkrachivaniye and towage Start of the engine from the auxiliary power supply Checks of readiness of the car for operation Automobile chemicals, oils and lubricants Diagnostics of malfunctions Governing bodies and methods of operation Governing bodies and devices Gas station Keys, uniform lock and anticreeping system Security alarm system * Window regulators The hatch with a lifting and movable cover * Seats Adjustment of provision of a steering wheel Mirrors Systems of safety Lock of ignition and start of the engine Parking brake Manual Box of Gear Shifting (MBGS) Automatic Transmission (AT) * Lever of the switch of indexes of turn / light signal Screen wipers and windscreen washers Heater of back glass Tempostat (automatic equipment of maintenance of the set speed) * The alarm system of emergency rapprochement at the parking (PDC) * System of automatic stabilization of stability with the regulator of torque of the ASC+T/engine System of dynamic control of stability of DSC * The air pressure control system in tires (RDC) * Lighting and light devices Heater, ventilation and conditioner of air of salon Equipment of salon Running in Features of driving of the car Catalytic converter Anti-blocking system of brakes (ABS) Disk brakes Brake system Luggage compartments Automobile phone * Readjustment of headlights Cowl Unlocking of a cover of the filling hatch manually Drive of a lifting and movable cover of the hatch manually * + Current leaving and service + Engine + Cooling systems, heating + Power supply systems, injection and release + Engine electric equipment + RKPP and transmission line + Automatic transmission + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment + Schemes of electric equipment
Governing bodies and devices
Control panel
1 — the Index of a reserve of fuel with a control lamp of a reserve 2 — Control lamps of indexes of turn 3 — the Speedometer 4 — Control lamps: category of the accumulator driving beam oil pressure in the oil engine/level in the engine 5 — the Tachometer and эконометр 6 — the Index of temperature of cooling liquid with a lamp "Too high temperature of cooling liquid" 7 — Control and alarm lamps (clockwise): the parking brake/level of brake fluid / control system behind braking on turns (SVS) ABS wear of brake shoes air pressure control systems in tires (RDC) * inflatable safety cushions of a reminder on need to be fastened * tempostata * 8 — the control Button:
hours indicator of the forthcoming maintenance |
9 — the Indicator of the chosen program of gear shifting for AT * (Section Automatic Transmission (AT)) Control lamp of AT * (Section Automatic Transmission (AT)) 10 — the Control lamp of system of automatic stabilization of stability with the regulator of torque of the engine (ASC+T)/system of dynamic control of stability (DSC) 11 — the Display for indication of indications: run counter the run measuring instrument from the moment of dumping hours indicator forthcoming maintenance Indication of indications of the traveling computer *, management from the lever of indexes of turn: hours temperature of external air average fuel consumption approximate stock of the course average speed 12 — the Display of the indicator of open doors and not switched off light devices 13 — the dumping Button on zero indications of the measuring instrument of a run from the moment of dumping 14 — Control and alarm lamps (clockwise): fog lights * back foggy lamps * washer liquid level level of cooling liquid preheat * / digital elekt-Rhone control systems of the diesel engine (DDE) * electronic system regulirov-ки engine capacities (EML) * control systems of operation of the engine |
# you can bring to indication of the indication of temperature of external air and the passable way in other units of measure.
Control lamps, signaling devices and indicators
Self-diagnostics of systems of the car
All important electric and electronic systems in the car are exposed to regular automatic testing. At the same time you should not include or regulate anything.
So, at inclusion of ignition, all control lamps are checked. If one of them is faulty, then information on it registers in memory of system of diagnostics of malfunctions from where it can be considered subsequently.
During a trip constant measurements of current in the relay of servomotors (screen wipers, window regulators, seats, the hatch in a roof, etc.) allow to control their working capacity.
Electric resistance of the NPB ignition generators and all other elements of this system is also constantly measured. Any malfunction is registered thanks to the fluctuations of tension accompanying it, and the corresponding signal of malfunction will be given by a control lamp of NPB on the control panel.
Even after switching off of the engine complete control of operability of your car is made. For example, all gates of system of heating and ventilation move to the next final situation. Thereby it is possible to provide anyway defrosting function preservation even if in the car during, for example, night there was any defect in system of heating or ventilation.
After each switching off of the engine checking process during which all servomotors move gates of system of heating and ventilation to both extreme situation is made. At the same time final provisions and the course of gates are controlled that provides correct control according to position of regulators subsequently.
Process of self-diagnostics of system of heating / ventilation is demonstrated by noise from operation of gates which is heard after switching off of ignition. All other functions of self-testing by noise are not followed and are not noticeable.
Information on all defects revealed during self-testing is brought in memory and there can be a schitana by means of special devices that allows to define and eliminate quickly them (address the Section Diagnostics of Malfunctions). On HUNDRED this work it is performed in a planned order, when carrying out the next maintenance.
The control and alarm lamps marked with the sign "about" light up for some time for the purpose of check of working capacity at the time of turn of the ignition key, and die away through different time after start of the engine.
If in one of systems defect is found, then the corresponding lamp after start of the engine does not die away or lights up again during a trip. Actions which need to be undertaken in that case are described below.
Red lamps: immediately stop
The category of the accumulator about
Fire of a lamp serves as a signal of lack of accumulator charging. Defect of a maple belt in the drive of the generator or violation of a chain of charging current of the generator can be the cause. Address on the next HUNDRED BMWs. It is impossible to continue the movement as there is a danger of damage of the engine as a result of its overheat. At defect of a maple belt the effort which needs to be put to a steering wheel when driving increases. |
Oil pressure in the engine about
It is necessary to stop, kill at once the engine, to check the level of oil and if necessary to bring it to norm. If level appears normal, then address the Section Diagnostics of Malfunctions. It is impossible to continue the movement as there is a danger of damage of the engine as a result of insufficient lubricant. |
Control of pressure of air in tires (RDC) *
The hydraulic drive of the brake system about
If the lamp lights up at the released parking brake, then it means that it is necessary to check the level of brake fluid. Before continuing the movement, surely follow the instructions provided in the Section the Brake system. |
Red and yellow lamps: it is possible to continue the movement with observance of precautionary measures
The control system behind braking on turns (SVS) about
If the lamp lights up together with yellow control lamps of the ABS systems and ASC+T|DSC *, then it demonstrates failure of all complex of the adjusting ABS, SVS systems and ASC+T|DSC. It is possible to continue the movement with observance of necessary precautionary measures. Address the Section Diagnostics of Malfunctions.
Red lamps: as important reminder
Parking brake
The lamp lights up at the tightened parking brake - at start-off from the place the acoustic signal in addition sounds. In more detail in the Section the Parking brake. |
Please, be fastened * about
Depending on a car complete set at fire of a lamp simultaneous giving sound сигнала* is possible. Depending on a car complete set the lamp burns or several seconds, or up to fastening. For details about seat belts address the Section of System of safety. |
Inflatable safety cushions about
Orange lamp: it is necessary to move to the next HUNDRED BMWs
Automatic transmission *
Yellow lamps: address on HUNDRED for check
System of anti-blocking of brakes (ABS) about
Oil level in the engine
At fire of a lamp check oil level. |
Brake shoes about
Check a condition of brake shoes. In more detail in the Section the Brake system. |
The air pressure control system in tires (RDC) * about
System of automatic stabilization of stability with the regulator of torque of the engine (ASC+T)/system of dynamic control of stability (DSC) * about
Washer liquid addition
Washer liquid level too low. Bring it to norm of the first opportunity. |
Control system of operation of the engine
Electronic system of adjustment of the engine capacity (EML) about
Digital electronic control system of operation of the diesel engine (DDE) * about
If during the movement the alarm lamp of the DDE system lit up, then it means that in electronic system of injection there was a malfunction.
If the engine did not decay, then it is possible to continue the movement as control of operation of the engine will be exercised according to the emergency program. However at the movement on such program power can be reduced. Address the Section Diagnostics of Malfunctions. |
Add cooling liquid
Level of cooling liquid too low. Bring it to norm at the first opportunity. |
Yellow lamps: for you attention
Back foggy lamps *
Preheat * about
Green lamps: for you attention
Index of turn
Tempostat (automatic equipment of maintenance of the set speed) *
Fog lights *
Blue lamp
Driving beam
Run counters
1 Counter of the general run
At installation of the ignition key in situation "0" you can cause on indication of the indication of the counters presented on an illustration, having pressed the button on the control panel (it is shown by an arrow).
2 The run measuring instrument from the moment of dumping
Dumping on zero happens when pressing the button shown by an arrow if at the same time the ignition key is in situation 1 or 2.
Avoid bringing turns of the engine to values of the red sector of a scale.
In this range for protection of the engine fuel supply is interrupted that is noticeable by falling of power. |
Ekonometr registers the actual fuel consumption in l / 100 km. You can control at any time, your manner of driving is how economic and eco-friendly.
At a stop of the car of the shooter comes back to zero. |
The index of a reserve of fuel in a tank
For check of operation of the device its control lamp for some time lights up at inclusion of ignition.
If the lamp burns constantly, then it means that in a tank there were about 8 liters of fuel.
Data on the capacity of the fuel tank are provided in Specifications. Various tilt angle of the car (for example, at long movement along the mountain road) can cause insignificant fluctuations of instrument readings. Refuel in due time as fuel use "to a last straw" can lead to damages of the engine or catalytic converter. |
Index of temperature of cooling liquid
Arrow on the blue sector
Engine still cold. The movement has to happen at moderate turns and speeds.
Arrow on the red sector
If the control lamp burns, then it means that the engine is overheated. In it it is necessary at once to stop and allow to the engine to cool down.
Zone between color sectors
Corresponds to normal working temperature. At high temperature of air or at big loads of the engine of the shooter can come very close to the red sector.
Check of level of cooling liquid is carried out according to instructions in the Section Check of Levels of Liquids. |
Indicator of the forthcoming maintenance
Run to the following THAT
The indication presented on an illustration appears for several seconds after turn of the ignition key in situation 1 or 2 or after start of the engine.
The inscriptions OILSERVICE or INSPECTION testify to need THAT. Also residual run in km is highlighted. The residual run is calculated on the basis of data on style of driving.
The minus sign "-" before figure of a residual run means that so many kilometers it was necessary to make THAT back. |
Replacement of brake fluid
It is possible to bring to indication month and year in which it is necessary to make replacement of brake fluid. For this purpose during a conclusion to indication of term of the following THAT it is necessary to press the button (it is shown by an arrow) on the control panel. By each pressing of the button indication term next THAT and the term of replacement of brake fluid is alternately removed.
At approach of term of replacement of brake fluid the symbol in the form of hours constantly burns.
The indicator does not consider time of the parking of the car with the disconnected accumulator plugs.
Therefore you watch that replacement of brake fluid, irrespective of indications of the indicator, was made at least once in two years. |
Indication of open doors or not switched off light devices
Graphic indication
At position 2 of the ignition key information on the following preventions (states) is output to indication in the form of symbols. These symbols do not die away before elimination of the reasons which caused their emergence.
1 Check passing beam. 2 The door is open. 3 The luggage carrier is open. 4 Check lamps of a backing or stoplights. The top symbol testifies to malfunction of an average stoplight.
If upon termination of a trip you opened a door and forgot to turn off the light, then the warning signal (any indication does not appear) reminding of it sounds.
It is made after turn of the ignition key in situation 1 or 2.
Putting a clock forward: turn the button to the right.
Putting a clock back: turn the button to the left.
The longer you keep the button in the turned situation, the change of indications is made quicker.
Change of the mode of indications: press and at once release the button.
With each pressing of the button indication of time changes with 12-hour on 24-hour and back.
If the ignition key is in situation 0, then short-term (for several seconds) the call of indications of time is made after pressing of the left adjusting button (see run counters, above).
Traveling computer *
Information call
After turn of the ignition key in situation 1 you can, using the button in the lever switch of indexes of turn, to cause information of the traveling computer on the display of the control panel. After each short-term pressing the button in the direction to a steering column the next information is output.
Information is output in the following sequence: time, temperature of external air, average fuel consumption, approximate stock of the course, average speed of the movement.
With turn of the ignition key in situation 1 the corresponding last value is brought to indication. |
Temperature of external air
You can change a unit of measure of temperature of external air (on Celsius / Fahrenheit).
For this purpose during indication of temperature it is necessary to press the right adjusting button on the control panel.
Warning of ice
At temperature drop below +3 °C are distributed a warning sound signal, and indication some time blinks.
The prevention repeats if after the last giving of a signal temperature at least rose once to +6 °C, and then fell to +3 °C.
Despite existence of system of the warning of ice, the possibility of its education (for example, on bridges and the shaded sections of roads) as well is not excluded at a temperature above +3 °C. Average fuel consumption
If during indication of average fuel consumption to press the button and some time to hold it, then from this point calculation will begin anew. At the same time it is necessary that the engine worked.
Course stock
The stock of the course is calculated taking into account the actual style of driving on the last kilometers of a way.
Average speed
If during indication of average speed of the movement to press the button and some time to hold it, then from this point calculation will begin anew. At the same time it is necessary that the engine worked.
Parking time with the switched-off engine when calculating is not considered.
Light alarm system
Button illumination periodically blinks at the switched-on alarm system.
At the included lighting of the car the button is highlighted that allows to find easier it.
Function of operation of indexes of turn has a priority before function of the light alarm system. Therefore after turn of the ignition key in situation 1 indexes of turn can blink even if the light alarm system is switched on.
Multipurpose steering wheel (MFL) *
In a multipurpose steering wheel the keys allowing quickly are built in without distracting from the events on the road, to use
- some functions of the radio receiver, - tempostaty, - some functions of phone.
For management of various systems from their multipurpose steering wheel it is necessary to include previously.
On an illustration the possible example of a full complete set is shown. Details contain in descriptions of concrete options.
1 — Phone: reception of a call, start of set of number, termination of a conversation 2 — Switching from the radio receiver to phone and back 3 — Search of the station / telephone number down the range / list of phones 4 — the Loudness of the radio receiver and phone |
5 — Search of the station / telephone number up the range / list of phones 6 — the Sound signal, all panel 7 — Tempostat: a call of the value kept in memory 8 — Tempostat: input of the actual speed as set and its subsequent increase (+) or reduction of speed and input of the reached value in memory (-) 9 — Tempostat: inclusion / interruption work / switching off |