BMW 3 Series E46

since 1998 release

Repair and operation of the car

BMW 3 Series E46
+ BMW 3 cars (E46)
+ Current leaving and service
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply systems, injection and release
- Engine electric equipment
   General information and security measures
   + System of electronic control by ignition and injection of the petrol engine
   + System of ignition
   + System of preheat of the diesel engine
   + Systems of a charge and start
+ RKPP and transmission line
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Schemes of electric equipment

Engine electric equipment


Separate characteristics are provided also in the text of the Head and in case of obligation of their performance are highlighted in bold type

System of ignition and management dvigatelem1)


BMS 46


BMS 46


Siemens MS 42.0

323iSiemens MS 42.0
328i Siemens MS 42.0
320d DDE Bosch 3.0
330d DDE Bosch 3.0
1) BMS - a control system of the BMW engine.
MS - a control system of the engine (Motronic).
DDE - a digital control system of the diesel engine

List of codes of some of malfunctions of OBD-II

(Includes also the models which are not described in this manual. You can receive interpretation of a concrete code for your model also on the website


Lack of codes of malfunctions in memory of system


Violation in a chain of the measuring instrument of mass of MAF/sensor air of absolute pressure in the pipeline (MAP)


The MAF sensor is faulty


Short circuit on the case or low level of a signal of the MAF/MAP sensor

P0103Short circuit on + or the high level of a signal of the MAF/MAP sensor
P0104The alternating error of functioning of the MAF sensor
P0105Malfunctions in a chain of the sensor of the absolute pressure (MAR) / the Barometric sensor
P0106Violation of functioning of the sensor of the absolute pressure (MAR) / Barometric sensor
P0107Break or short circuit on the MAR sensor chain case / the Barometric sensor
P0108Short circuit on + MAR sensor chains / the Barometric sensor
P0109The alternating error of functioning of the sensor of the MAR / SENSOR of barometric pressure
P0110Violation in a chain of the sensor of temperature of the soaked-up air (IAT)
P0111Violation of serviceability of functioning of the IAT sensor
P0112Short circuit of a chain of the IAT sensor on the case
P0113Break or short circuit on + IAT sensor chains
P0114The alternating error of functioning of the IAT sensor
P0115Absence or excessively low level of a signal of the sensor of temperature of a cooler (eats)
P0116Excessively high level of a signal of an eats sensor / problem with efficiency of return of the engine
P0117Short circuit of a chain of the eats sensor on the case
P0118Break or short circuit on + eats sensor chains
P0119The alternating error of functioning of the eats sensor
P0120Malfunctions in a chain of the sensor of provision of a butterfly valve (TPS)/switch A
P0121Violation in a chain of TPS/switch A; Efficiency of return of the engine Is reduced
P0122Low entrance signal of the TPS/sensor A sensor of provision of a pedal
P0123High entrance signal of the TPS/sensor A sensor of provision of a pedal
P0124The alternating error of functioning of the TPS/sensor switch A sensor
P0125Temperature of cooling liquid is insufficient for correct functioning of feedback in a chain of management of fuel supply
P0126Temperature of cooling liquid is insufficient for stable functioning of a control system
P0130Malfunction in a chain of the verkhnepotochny l-probe (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0131The low voltage of a chain of the verkhnepotochny warmed-up l-probe (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0132High voltage of the verkhnepotochny warmed-up l-probe (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0133Excessively high voltage or slow reaction of the verkhnepotochny warmed-up l-probe (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0134Lack of a signal of the verkhnepotochny l-probe (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0135 Violation in a chain of heating of the verkhnepotochny l-probe (excessively high voltage) (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0136Violation in a chain of the nizhnepotochny warmed-up l-probe (excessively low voltage) (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0137The low voltage of a chain of the nizhnepotochny warmed-up l-probe (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0138Excessively high voltage of a chain of the nizhnepotochny warmed-up l-probe (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0139Slow reaction of the nizhnepotochny warmed-up l-probe (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0140High voltage or malfunction of the nizhnepotochny l-probe (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0141Violation in a chain of heating of the nizhnepotochny l-probe (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0142The l-probe 3 is faulty (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0143The low voltage of the l-probe 3 (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0144High voltage of the l-probe 3 (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0145The lowered reactivity of the l-probe 3 (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0146Violation of activity of functioning of the l-probe 3 (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0147Heating of the l-probe 3 is faulty (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0150Malfunction in a chain of the verkhnepotochny l-probe (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0151Violation of serviceability of functioning of tracking of impoverishment of mix of the verkhnepotochny l-probe (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0152Violation of serviceability of tracking of enrichment of mix of the verkhnepotochny l-probe (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0153The slowed-down reaction of the verkhnepotochny l-probe (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0154High voltage of the verkhnepotochny l-probe (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0155Violation of serviceability of functioning of the heater of the verkhnepotochny l-probe (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0156The nizhnepotochny l-probe is faulty (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0157The low voltage of the nizhnepotochny l-probe (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0158High voltage of the nizhnepotochny l-probe (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0159The slowed-down reaction of the nizhnepotochny l-probe (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0160Lack of a signal of the nizhnepotochny l-probe (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0161Violation of serviceability of functioning of the heater of the nizhnepotochny l-probe (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0162The l-probe 3 is faulty (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0163The low voltage of the l-probe 3 (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0164High voltage of the l-probe 3 (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0165The lowered reactivity of the l-probe 3 (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0166Violation of activity of functioning of the l-probe 3 (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0167Heating of the l-probe 3 is faulty (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0170Reimpoverishment or reenrichment of air-fuel mix (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0171Reimpoverishment of air-fuel mix (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0172Reenrichment of air-fuel mix (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0173The regrown poor or reenriched injection (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0174The regrown poor injection (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0175The reenriched injection (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0176Malfunction in a chain of the sensor of composition of fuel
P0177Serviceability of functioning of the sensor of composition of fuel is broken
P0178Short circuit on weight in a chain of the sensor of composition of fuel
P0179Short circuit on + in a chain of the sensor of composition of fuel
P0180 Malfunction in temperature sensor A chain in the fuel tank
P0181Serviceability of functioning of the sensor A of temperature of fuel is broken
P0182Short circuit on weight in a fuel temperature sensor A chain
P0183Short circuit on + in a fuel temperature sensor A chain
P0184The alternating malfunction in a fuel temperature sensor A chain
P0185Malfunction in a sensor chain In fuel temperatures
P0186Serviceability of functioning of the sensor In fuel temperatures is broken
P0187Short circuit on weight in a sensor chain In fuel temperatures
P0188Short circuit on + in a sensor chain In fuel temperatures
P0189The alternating malfunction in a sensor chain In fuel temperatures
P0190, P0191Serviceability of functioning of the sensor of pressure of injection is broken (on the fuel highway)
P0192Excessively low level of tension of the sensor of pressure of injection
P0193Excessively high level of tension of the sensor of pressure of injection
P0194The alternating malfunction in pressure sensor chain in the fuel highway
P0195Malfunction in a chain of the sensor of temperature of motive oil
P0196Serviceability of functioning of the sensor of temperature of motive oil is broken
P0197Short circuit on weight in a chain of the sensor of temperature of motive oil
P0198Short circuit on + in a chain of the sensor of temperature of motive oil
P0199The alternating malfunction in a chain of the sensor of temperature of motive oil
P0200Malfunction in a fuel injection chain
P0201-P0206Malfunction in a chain of an injector of the cylinder 1 - 6 respectively
P0214Violation of serviceability of functioning of an injector of cold start 2
P0215Violation of serviceability of functioning of the locking electromagnetic valve
P0216Malfunction in a chain of management of fuel injection distribution
P0217Engine overheat
P0218Transmission overheat
P0219Inadmissible excess of turns of the engine
P0220Malfunction in a chain of TPS/sensor switch B
P0221Violation of serviceability of functioning of TPS/sensor switch B
P0222Short circuit on weight in a chain of TPS/sensor switch B
P0223Short circuit on + in a chain of TPS/sensor switch B
P0224The alternating malfunction of TPS/sensor switch B
P0225Malfunction in a chain of TPS/sensor switch C
P0226Violation of serviceability of functioning of TPS/sensor switch C
P0227Short circuit on weight in a chain of TPS/sensor switch C
P0228Short circuit on + in a chain of TPS/sensor switch C
P0229The alternating malfunction of TPS/sensor switch C
P0230Malfunction in a chain of primary contour of the fuel pump
P0231Short circuit on weight in a chain of a secondary contour of the fuel pump
P0232Short circuit on + in a chain of a secondary contour of the fuel pump
P0233The alternating malfunction in a chain of a secondary contour of the fuel pump
P0261Short circuit on weight in a chain of an injector of injection of the cylinder 1
P0262Short circuit on + in a chain of an injector of injection of the cylinder 1
P0263Violation of balance of injection of an injector of the cylinder 1
P0264Short circuit on weight in a chain of an injector of injection of the cylinder 2
P0265 Short circuit on + in a chain of an injector of injection of the cylinder 2
P0266Violation of balance of injection of an injector of the cylinder 2
P0267Short circuit on weight in a chain of an injector of injection of the cylinder 3
P0268Short circuit on + in a chain of an injector of injection of the cylinder 3
P0269Violation of balance of injection of an injector of the cylinder 3
P0270Short circuit on weight in a chain of an injector of injection of the cylinder 4
P0271Short circuit on + in a chain of an injector of injection of the cylinder 4
P0272Violation of balance of injection of an injector of the cylinder 4
P0273Short circuit on weight in a chain of an injector of injection of the cylinder 5
P0274Short circuit on + in a chain of an injector of injection of the cylinder 5
P0275Violation of balance of injection of an injector of the cylinder 5
P0276Short circuit on weight in a chain of an injector of injection of the cylinder 6
P0277Short circuit on + in a chain of an injector of injection of the cylinder 6
P0278Violation of balance of injection of an injector of the cylinder 6
P0300Casual admissions of ignition in various cylinders take place
P0301 - P0308Admissions of ignition in the cylinder 1 - 8 respectively take place
P0320, P0321Malfunction in an entrance contour of a chain of control of turns of the engine of a control system of distribution of ignition
P0322Lack of a signal in an entrance contour of a chain of control of turns of the engine of a control system of distribution of ignition
P0323The alternating malfunction in an entrance contour of a chain of control of turns of the engine of a control system of distribution of ignition
P0325The sensor of a detonation 1 is faulty (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0326The sensor of a detonation 1 is faulty (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0327Short circuit on the case of a chain of the sensor of a detonation 1 (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0328Short circuit on + chains of the sensor of a detonation 1 (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0329The alternating malfunction in an entrance contour of the sensor of a detonation 1
P0330The sensor of a detonation 2 is faulty (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0331The sensor of a detonation 2 is faulty (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0332Short circuit on the mass of a chain of the sensor of a detonation 2 (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0333Short circuit on + in a chain of the sensor of a detonation 2 (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0334The alternating malfunction in an entrance contour of the sensor of a detonation 2 (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0335Signal of turns engine / Malfunction in a chain of the sensor A of provision of a bent shaft of ICR
P0336Sensor A of provision of a bent shaft of ICR
P0337Short circuit on the case in a chain of the sensor of ICR And
P0338Short circuit on + in a chain of the sensor of ICR And
P0339The alternating malfunction in a chain of the sensor of ICR And
P0340 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor of position of the SMR camshaft
P0341 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the SMR sensor
P0342Short circuit on weight in a SMR sensor chain
P0343Short circuit on + in a SMR sensor chain
P0344The alternating malfunction in a SMR sensor chain
P0350Malfunction in a primary / secondary contour of the coil of ignition
P0351-P0362Malfunction in a primary / secondary contour of the coil of ignition And – L respectively
P0370Malfunction in a chain of a basic signal of high resolution And management of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition
P0371Malfunction in a chain of a basic signal of high resolution And management of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition (excessive quantity of impulses)
P0372Malfunction in a chain of a basic signal of high resolution And management of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition (insufficient quantity of impulses)
P0373 The alternating malfunction in a chain of a basic signal of high resolution And management of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition (arrhythmy of impulses)
P0374 Malfunction in a chain of a basic signal of high resolution And management of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition (lack of impulses)
P0375 Malfunction in a chain of a basic signal of high resolution In managements of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition
P0376 Malfunction in a chain of a basic signal of high resolution In managements of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition (excessive quantity of impulses)
P0377 Malfunction in a chain of a basic signal of high resolution In managements of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition (insufficient quantity of impulses)
P0378 The alternating malfunction in a chain of a basic signal of high resolution In managements of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition (arrhythmy of impulses)
P0379 Malfunction in a chain of a basic signal of high resolution In managements of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition (lack of impulses)
P0385 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor of ICR In
P0386 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the sensor of ICR In
P0387 Short circuit on weight in a chain of the sensor of ICR In
P0388 Short circuit on + in a chain of the sensor of ICR In
P0389 The alternating malfunction in a chain of the sensor of ICR In
P0400 Excessiveness or insufficiency of intensity of recirculation of the fulfilled gases (EGR)
P0401 Weakening of a stream of EGR is revealed
P0402 Excessive strengthening of a stream of EGR Malfunction in EGR counter-pressure sensor chain is revealed
P0403 Malfunction in an EGR valve chain
P0404 Violation of serviceability of functioning of a chain of EGR
P0405 Short circuit on weight in a chain of the EGR sensor A
P0406 Short circuit on + in a chain of the EGR sensor A
P0407 Short circuit on weight in a chain of the B EGR sensor
P0408 Short circuit on + in a chain of the B EGR sensor
P0410 Malfunction in system of admixture of additional air
P0411 Wrong definition of a stream system of admixture of additional air
P0412 Malfunction in a chain of the valve A of system of admixture of additional air
P0413 Break or short circuit on + chains of the valve A of system of admixture of additional air
P0414 Short circuit on the case of a chain of the valve A of system of admixture of additional air
P0415 Malfunction in a valve switch chain In systems of admixture of additional air
P0416 Break in a valve switch chain In systems of admixture of additional air
P0417 Short circuit in a valve switch chain In systems of admixture of additional air
P0418 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the relay A of system of admixture of additional air
P0419 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the relay In systems of admixture of additional air
P0420 - P0423 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the catalytic converter (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0424 Excessive decrease in temperature of the catalytic converter (the right number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0430 - P0433 Efficiency of functioning of the catalytic converter is excessively reduced (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0434Excessive decrease in temperature of the catalytic converter (the left number of cylinders on the V-shaped engine)
P0440Leaks in system of catching of vapors of EVAP fuel
P0441VSV of the EVAP system is faulty
P0442Insignificant leak in the EVAP system is revealed
P0443 - P0446Malfunction in a chain of the valve of management of a purge of a coal adsorber of EVAP
P0447Break in a chain of management of ventilation of the EVAP system
P0448Short circuit in a chain of management of ventilation of the EVAP system
P0449Malfunction in a chain of the electromagnetic valve / valve of ventilation of the EVAP system
P0450Violation in a chain of the sensor of pressure of vapors in an EVAP system gasoline tank
P0451Violation of serviceability of functioning of the EVAP system
P0452Low entrance signal of the sensor of pressure in the fuel tank (EVAP system)
P0453High entrance signal of the sensor of pressure in the fuel tank (EVAP system)
P0454The alternating malfunction of the sensor of pressure of the EVAP system
P0455Considerable leak in the EVAP system is revealed
P0460Malfunction in a chain of the fuel level sensor
P0461Violation of serviceability of functioning of the fuel level sensor
P0462Short circuit on weight in a chain of the fuel level sensor
P0463Short circuit on + in a chain of the fuel level sensor
P0464The alternating malfunction in a chain of the fuel level sensor
P0465Malfunction in a purge stream sensor chain
P0466Violation of serviceability of functioning of the sensor of a stream of a purge
P0467Short circuit on weight in a purge stream sensor chain
P0468Short circuit on + in a purge stream sensor chain
P0469The alternating malfunction of the sensor of a stream of a purge
P0470Malfunction in a chain of the sensor of pressure of the fulfilled gases
P0471Violation of serviceability of functioning of the sensor of pressure of the fulfilled gases
P0472Short circuit on weight in a chain of the sensor of pressure of the fulfilled gases
P0473Short circuit on + in a chain of the sensor of pressure of the fulfilled gases
P0474The alternating malfunction in a chain of the sensor of pressure of the fulfilled gases
P0475Malfunction in a chain of the operating valve of pressure of the fulfilled gases
P0476Violation of serviceability of functioning of the operating valve of pressure of the fulfilled gases
P0477Short circuit on weight in a chain of the operating valve of pressure of the fulfilled gases
P0478Short circuit on + in a chain of the operating valve of pressure of the fulfilled gases
P0479The alternating malfunction in a chain of the operating valve of pressure of the fulfilled gases
P0480Malfunction in a chain of management of the fan 1 of the cooling system
P0481Malfunction in a chain of management of the fan 2 of the cooling system
P0482Malfunction in a chain of management of the fan 3 of the cooling system
P0483Refusal when checking rationality of functioning of the fan of the cooling system
P0484Overload on current in a cooling system fan chain
P0485Malfunction in power-supply circuits / grounding of the fan of the cooling system
P0500, P0501 Malfunction in a VSS car speed sensor chain
P0502 Lack of a signal or short circuit on the VSS sensor case
P0503 Instability / violation rhythm / overestimate of a signal in VSS work
P0505 Malfunction in a chain of the IAC sensor of stabilization of turns of idling
P0506 Unexpected understating of frequency of rotation of the engine at operation of system of stabilization of turns of idling
P0507 Unexpected overestimate of frequency of rotation of the engine at operation of system of stabilization of turns of idling
P0510 Malfunction in a chain for in a closed position of a butterfly valve of TPS
P0520 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor / sensor switch of pressure of motive oil
P0521 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the sensor / sensor switch of pressure of motive oil
P0522 Short circuit on weight in a chain of the sensor / sensor switch of pressure of motive oil
P0523 Short circuit on + in a chain of the sensor / sensor switch of pressure of motive oil
P0530 Violation of a chain of the sensor of pressure of coolant of the K/V system
P0531 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the sensor of pressure of coolant of the K/V system
P0532 Short circuit on weight in a chain of the sensor of pressure of coolant of the K/V system
P0533 Short circuit on + in a chain of the sensor of pressure of coolant of the K/V system
P0534 Discharge (coolant loss) in a cooling contour of the K/V system
P0535 Absence or instability of a signal of turns of the engine - ignition
P0550 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor of pressure of the PAS system (power steering)
P0551 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the sensor of pressure of the PAS system (power steering)
P0552 Short circuit on weight in a chain of the sensor of pressure of the PAS system (power steering)
P0553 Short circuit on + in a chain of the sensor of pressure of the PAS system (power steering)
P0554 The alternating malfunction in a chain of the sensor of pressure of the PAS system (power steering)
P0560 Malfunction in system of onboard power supply
P0561 Violation of stability of tension of onboard power supply
P0562 Understating of tension of onboard power supply
P0563 Overestimate of tension of onboard power supply
P0565 Violation at development of a signal of inclusion of a tempostat
P0566 Violation at development of a signal of switching off of a tempostat
P0567 Violation at development of a signal of return (RESUME) of a tempostat
P0568 Violation at development of a signal of installation (SET) of a tempostat
P0569 Violation at development of a signal of the movement by a setup (CAST) of a tempostat
P0570 Violation at development of a signal of acceleration (ACCEL) of a tempostat
P0571 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor switch A of braking of a tempostat
P0572 Short circuit on weight in a chain of the sensor switch A of braking of a tempostat
P0573 Short circuit on + in a chain of the sensor switch A of braking of a tempostat
P0574 - P0580 Reserve zone of a control system of the speed (tempostat)
P0600 Malfunction of a serial port of the AT control unit
P0601 Mistake at calculation of checksum of memory of the module of management
P0602 Error of programming of the module of management
P0603 Error of regeneration of memory (KAM) of the module of management
P0604 Error of the RAM (RAM) of the module of management
P0605 Error of ROM (ROM) of the module of management
P0606 Failure of the RSM processor
P0608 Violation at development of an output signal And the module of management of VSS
P0609 Violation at development of an output signal In the module of management of VSS
P0620 Malfunction in a chain of management of the generator
P0621 Malfunction in a chain of management L of a control lamp of the generator
P0622 Malfunction in a field chain F managements of the generator
P0650 Malfunction in a chain of a control lamp of refusals (MIL)
P0654 Malfunction in a chain of an output signal of turns of the engine
P0655 Malfunction in a chain of an output signal of a control lamp of an overheat of the engine
P0656 Malfunction in a chain of an output signal of level of fuel
P0700 Violation of serviceability of functioning of a control system of transmission
P0701 Malfunction in a chain of an output signal of turns of the AT engine
P0702 Electric malfunction in a chain of a control system of transmission
P0703 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor switch B of the braking / converter of rotation
P0704 Malfunction in an entrance contour of a chain of the sensor switch of coupling
P0705 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor switch of provision of transmission
P0706 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor switch of provision of transmission
P0707 Short circuit on weight in a chain of the sensor switch of provisions of transmission
P0708 Short circuit on + in a chain of the sensor switch of provisions of transmission
P0709 The alternating malfunction in a chain of the sensor switch of provisions of transmission
P0710 Malfunction in ATF temperature sensor chain
P0711 Malfunction in ATF temperature sensor chain
P0712 Short circuit on weight in ATF temperature sensor chain
P0713 Short circuit on + in ATF temperature sensor chain
P0714 The alternating malfunction in ATF temperature sensor chain
P0715 Malfunction in an entrance contour of a chain of the RPM meter of the turbine
P0716 Malfunction in an entrance contour of a chain of the RPM meter of the turbine
P0717 Lack of a signal in an entrance contour of a chain of the RPM meter of the turbine
P0718 The alternating malfunction in an entrance contour of a chain of the RPM meter of the turbine
P0719 Short circuit on weight in a chain of the sensor switch B of the braking / converter of rotation
P0720 Malfunction in a RPM meter chain [speeds?]
P0721 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the RPM meter [speeds?]
P0722 Lack of an output signal of the RPM meter [speeds?]
P0723 The alternating malfunction of the RPM meter [speeds?]
P0724 Short circuit on + in a chain of the sensor switch B of the braking / converter of rotation
P0725 Failures in giving of a signal of turns of the engine
P0726 Malfunction in an entrance contour of a chain of registration of turns of the engine
P0727 Lack of an entrance signal in a chain of registration of turns of the engine
P0728 The alternating malfunction in an entrance contour of a chain of registration of turns of the engine
P0730 Wrong choice of transfer of AT
P0731 - P0735 Failures in giving of a signal of inclusion 1 - the 5th transfer respectively
P0736 Failures in giving of a signal of turning on of the reverse gear
P0740 Malfunction in a chain of an electromagnet of the TCC AT valve
P0741 Sticking in the opened condition of coupling of transformation of rotation
P0742 Sticking in the closed condition of coupling of the converter of rotation
P0743 Electric refusal in a chain of coupling of the converter of rotation
P0744 The alternating malfunction in a chain of coupling of the converter of rotation of AT
P0745 Malfunction in a chain of the electromagnetic valve of pressure in a path
P0746 Sticking in the opened condition of the electromagnetic valve of management of pressure
P0747 Sticking in the closed condition of the electromagnetic valve of management of pressure
P0748 Electric malfunction in a chain of the electromagnetic valve of management of pressure
P0749 The alternating malfunction of the electromagnetic valve of management of pressure
P0750 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the electromagnetic valve of switching And
P0751 Sticking in the opened condition of the electromagnetic valve of switching And
P0752 Sticking in the closed condition of the electromagnetic valve of switching And
P0753 Electric malfunction in a chain of the electromagnetic valve of switching And
P0754 The alternating malfunction of the electromagnetic valve of switching And
P0755 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the electromagnetic valve of switching In
P0756 Sticking in the opened condition of the electromagnetic valve of switching In
P0757 Sticking in the closed condition of the electromagnetic valve of switching In
P0758 Electric malfunction in a chain of the electromagnetic valve of switching In
P0759 The alternating malfunction of the electromagnetic valve of switching In
P0760 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the electromagnetic valve of switching With
P0761 Sticking in the opened condition of the electromagnetic valve of switching With
P0762 Sticking in the closed condition of the electromagnetic valve of switching With
P0763 Electric malfunction in a chain of the electromagnetic valve of switching With
P0764 The alternating malfunction of the electromagnetic valve of switching With
P0765 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the electromagnetic valve of switching of D
P0766 Sticking in the opened condition of the electromagnetic valve of switching of D
P0767 Sticking in the closed condition of the electromagnetic valve of switching of D
P0768 Electric malfunction in a chain of the electromagnetic valve of switching of D
P0769 The alternating malfunction of the electromagnetic valve of switching of D
P0770 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the electromagnetic valve of switching E
P0771 Sticking in the opened condition of the electromagnetic valve of switching E
P0772 Sticking in the closed condition of the electromagnetic valve of switching E
P0773 Electric malfunction in a chain of the electromagnetic valve of switching E
P0774 The alternating malfunction of the electromagnetic valve of switching E
P0780 Violation at gear shifting
P0781 Violation at gear shifting 1 - 2
P0782 Violation at gear shifting 2 - 3
P0783 Violation at gear shifting 3 - 4
P0784 Violation at gear shifting 4 - 5
P0785 Malfunction of the electromagnetic valve of switching / distribution
P0786 Malfunction of the electromagnetic valve of switching / distribution
P0787 Short circuit on weight in a chain of the electromagnetic valve of switching / distribution
P0788 Short circuit on + in a chain of the electromagnetic valve of switching / distribution
P0789 The alternating malfunction of the electromagnetic valve switching
P0790 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor switch of the AT modes
P0801 Malfunction in a chain of management of inhibitor of a reverse
P0803 Malfunction in a chain of increase in transfers 1 - 4 (admissions when switching)
P0804 Malfunction in a chain of a control lamp of admissions at increase in transfer 1 - 4

Spark plugs





Interelectrode gap

0.7 – 0.8 mm

candles with four electrodes of weight0.9 – 1.0 the mm (is not regulated)
Turnkey size16 mm
Type Unattended
Tension12 V, negative weight
Capacity (starting current)
316i, 318i50 Ач (265 A)
320i, 323i, 328i, 330i75 Ач (380 A)
320d 85 Ач (410 A)
330d 95 Ач
Degree of state of charge is completely discharged density 1.12 g/ml, 16 °va
density is half discharged 1.20 g/ml, 24 °va
density is completely loaded 1.28 g/ml, 32 °va
ProducerBosch or Valeo
Power/current (Values for models with 4-or 5-staged AT are given in brackets)
316i, 318i980(1260)/70(90)
320i, 323i, 328i, 330i1260/90
320d, 330d2100/150
Ridge maple belts
318i 6 PK x 1733 (5 PK x 950)
320d 5 PK x 2030 (5 PK x 836)
320i, 323i, 328i6 PK x 1538 (5 PK x 863)
It is equipped with the safe plug of a starter (shot in case of accident)
Efforts of tightening of threaded connections
The moments of an inhaling of fixture are given also in the text of the Head and on some illyustratsiyakh*.

* The moments of an inhaling highlighted in the text in bold type are subject to exact observance; the efforts which are not highlighted in bold type are given only approximately
Spark plugs25 N • m