| At installation of new details the varnish for protection against corrosion should be removed only from frictional surfaces of a press disk and a flywheel. Not to an ogruzhayta also do not blow a coupling basket in solvent compressed air, otherwise functioning of the mechanism of adjustment of coupling is not guaranteed. | Installation of the basket of coupling which was in the use
1 Shift an adjusting ring back. For this purpose install a coupling basket together with the tool for a preliminary tightness on a pure lining. Record an adjusting ring the screw-driver at one of grooves-1- | 2 Weaken the screw-2 the tool for a preliminary tightness so that it was possible to turn an adjusting ring the screw-driver.
| The clamp-3-is inserted only when the adjusting ring is compressed. |
3 Turn to the left against the stop the screw-driver adjusting a ring at press elements-1-. | 4 Insert a clamp-3-into a groove. Thus, the adjusting ring is fixed. 5 Screw the screw of the tension tool so that the diaphragm spring in a basket was pressed against the stop. 6 Insert a clutch plate into a flywheel.
| Insert a disk correctly. For this purpose the clutch plate has marking of "Getriebeseite" (Side of the check point). |
7 Align a clutch plate in a flywheel adaptation-1-, for example, of BMW 21 2 142 or KLANN KL-0500.
| The bolt-2-serves for removal of adaptation on the installed basket. |
| 8 Put a coupling basket on the corresponding pins. Tighten bolts of fastening of a basket of coupling consistently on 1 – 1.5 turn so that it was fixed. You watch that at an inhaling of bolts the basket of coupling sat down on a flywheel evenly. The moment of an inhaling depends on a class of durability of bolts which is beaten out on a head of bolts. Address Specifications.
9 Weaken the screw the tool for a preliminary tightness so that the spring in a basket was completely unloaded. Weaken the screw-1-and remove adaptation. |
10 Take out the aligning adaptation with a bolt-2-of the conducted disk. For this purpose screw a bolt and pull for it. | Installation of a new basket of coupling 11 Insert the conducted disk into a flywheel.
| Insert a disk in the correct situation. For this purpose a disk "the Side of the check point" has marking. |
12 Align a clutch plate in a flywheel the device-1-for the directing bearing in cranked to a shaft, for example, BMW 21 2 142 or KLANN KL-0500 adaptation.
| The bolt-2-serves for removal of adaptation in the installed coupling basket. | | 13 Put a coupling basket on the corresponding pins. Tighten bolts of fastening of a basket of coupling consistently on 1 – 1.5 turn so that the disk was fixed. You watch that at an inhaling of bolts a basket of coupling it was involved in a flywheel evenly. The moment of an inhaling depends on a class of durability of bolts which is beaten out on a head of bolts, address Specifications.
| The lock element-1-is allowed to be deleted only at the fixed coupling basket. Turn out a lock element a face key of-2-by 14 mm rotation clockwise. At a reversing of a lock element the diaphragm spring can publish characteristic noise to which it is not necessary to pay attention. |
14 Extend the aligning adaptation a bolt from the conducted disk. For this purpose screw a bolt and pull for it. | 15 Remove the aligning adaptation from a flywheel.
16 Grease grooves of shlitsevy connection of main shaft RKPP with a thin layer of ESSO UNIREX lubricant.
| You do not apply too much lubricant, otherwise it can get on the frictional surfaces of coupling and cause coupling failures. The necessary amount of lubricant corresponds to about a size of grain of rice. Then move in different directions the conducted disk on RKPP shaft so that the nave easily went on a shaft. Remove surplus of lubricant. | | 17 Establish RKPP, address the Section Removal and the RKPP installation. |