BMW 3 Series E46 + BMW 3 cars (E46) + Current leaving and service - Engine + Procedures of repair of the engine - Engine lubrication system Oil circulation contour Removal and installation of the pallet of a case Check of pressure of oil + Cooling systems, heating + Power supply systems, injection and release + Engine electric equipment + RKPP and transmission line + Automatic transmission + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment + Schemes of electric equipment
Removal and installation of the pallet of a case
| Owing to the limited area for removal of the pallet of a case it is necessary to disconnect both support of the engine and to lower a beam of a forward suspension bracket. | 1 Remove a vozdukhosborny box of a heater, address the Section Removal and installation of a box of an air inlet. 2 Remove a hose of the soaked-up air from a vozdukhosborny box, address the Section Removal and installation of the air filter of the engine. 3 Models 320d: Uncover the engine around an oil filter, address the Section Connection and separation of the quick disconnect coupling.
| Lifting operation and installations of the car on supports is connected with danger! Therefore before carrying out operation study Poddomkrachivaniye's Section and towage | 4 Lift and install the car on supports. Turn off bolts of fastening and uncover a motive compartment, address the Section Removal and installation of the lower cover of a motive compartment. 5 Merge motive oil, address the Section Replacement of Motive Oil and Oil Filter.
6 Models 320i, 323i, 328i: Remove a hose of discharge of oil from an oil separator on the directing pipe of the index of level of oil. For this purpose disconnect a fastening collar (the shooter on an illustration). | 7 Turn off the directing pipe of the index of level at the holder. Take out the directing pipe from the case pallet up. At the same time pay attention to a sealing ring. 8 Models 320i, 323i, 328i: Turn off bolts of fastening of the pump of the power steering and suspend on a wire with the attached hoses to the engine, address the Section Removal and installation of the pump of the hydraulic booster.
| It is necessary to leave hoses attached to the pump, oil will follow otherwise. If the hydraulic system is opened, it is necessary to watch special purity as the dirt which got to system can lead to refusals. |
9 Raise the engine the crane for forward eyes. If the crane is unavailable, pass a cable through eyes on the engine. Pass through a cable a pipe of sufficient durability and its oboprita on two supports.
| BMW-00 0 200 adaptation shown on an illustration leans at the left and on the right on support of wings and fastens bolts there. On sale there is similar KLANN adaptation No. KL-0205-3US. | | 10 Raise the engine the crane on 5 mm to unload support. 11 Models 320i, 323i, 328i: Weaken engine support on the right and at the left above approximately on 4 turns. 12 Turn off from both support of the engine from the lower party of the car of a nut.
13 Disconnect a steering shaft from the steering mechanism and remove the lower steering column from the cardan hinge (an arrow on an illustration). |
14 Disconnect the stabilizer at the left and to the right of an engine beam. The following operations are in more detail described in the Section Removal and installation of a beam of a forward suspension bracket.
| The steering mechanism is not required to be removed from a front axle beam. - Remove the amplifier of a forward part of the car. - Turn off bolts of fastening and remove left and right cross suspension bracket levers. - Prop up a beam of a forward suspension bracket the garage elevator and bring the corresponding support. On an illustration the BMW-31 2 220 support is shown. If the specified support is unavailable, enclose wooden laying not to damage a beam. - Turn off bolts of fastening of a beam and lower it perhaps below. |
| 15 Rasstykuyte oil level sensor socket. 16 Models 320d: Remove from holders on the case pallet a cable of the sensor of level of oil and the switch of a backing. 17 If there are AT oil pipelines, remove them at the case pallet from holders. 18 316i, 318i: Turn off bolts of fastening and remove the holder of fuel pipelines around the case pallet.
19 Turn off bolts of fastening and remove the case pallet.
| On an illustration fastening of the pallet of a case of the engine 316i, 318i to RKPP flange is shown. Turn out bolts on RKPP flange (shooters on an illustration) and on the block of cylinders. | | 20 Lower the pallet of a case and take out it back. | |
21 Clear the sealing surfaces of the pallet of a case and the block of cylinders.
| Surely replace sealing laying of the pallet of a case with new. If at 316i, 318i the new pallet of a case is installed, it is necessary to rearrange on a new case a maslozabornik and the soaking-up pipe, having established at the same time new consolidation. The soaking-up pipe has the self-cutting fastening bolts. Therefore the new pallet of a case has no carving for fastening bolts. Bolts cut a carving at a vvinchivaniye. |
22 Models 316i, 318i: Put new sealing laying on the case pallet. Fill grooves (arrows on an illustration) in consolidations of the pallet of a case under the connecting planes of the block of cylinders at a cover of cogwheels and a locking cover the sealant having long elasticity, for example, of "Drei Bond 1209" or "Loctite Ultra Black". |
23 Models 320d, 320i, 323i, 328i: Apply on the dividing planes (arrows on an illustration) on a cover of cogwheels and a locking cover the roller of the sealant having long elasticity, for example, of "Drei Bond 1209" or "Loctite Ultra Black." Rollers have to have width of 3 mm and height of 2 mm. Paste new sealing laying of a case, using jellied lubricant. Check correctness of provision of laying.
| On an illustration the 6-cylinder petrol engine is shown. | |
24 Install the case pallet. 25 Screw bolts of fastening of the pallet of a case, without tightening them yet. Tighten slightly bolts at first at RKPP, then at the engine. Then tighten all bolts the moment of 10 N • m, that is again slightly. If bolts drag on too strongly, laying can be crushed and lost tightness. 26 Insert the directing tube for the index of level of oil, using a new sealing ring. Fix a tube on the holder. 27 Models 320i, 323i, 328i: Fix by a collar a hose of discharge of oil from a separator at the directing pipe of the index of level. 28 If there are oil pipelines, fix them in holders at the case pallet. 29 Models 316i, 318i: Fix by bolts the holder of fuel pipelines around the case pallet. 30 Models 320d: Fix in holders at the case pallet a cable of the sensor of level of oil and the switch of a backing. 31 Join and fix the oil level sensor socket. The following operations are in more detail described in the Section Removal and installation of a beam of a forward suspension bracket. - Raise a beam of a forward suspension bracket and fix it by bolts, address the Section Removal and installation of a beam of a forward suspension bracket.
| If the steering mechanism was not removed, carrying out operations on measurement of a forward suspension bracket is not required. | - Fix by bolts on an engine beam the left and right levers of a suspension bracket. - Establish the amplifier of a forward part of the car.
32 Fix the lower part of a steering column at the spherical hinge. A terminal bolt tighten the moment of 20 N • m. 33 Lower the engine, remove the crane. Fix by bolts both support of the engine. The moments of an inhaling are given in Specifications. 34 Models 320i, 323i, 328i: Install the pump of the hydraulic booster, address the Section Removal and installation of the pump of the hydraulic booster. 35 Fill system with motive oil, address the Section Replacement of Motive Oil and Oil Filter. 36 Install into place a vozdukhosborny box, address the Section Check of a Thermoswitch. 37 Models 320d: Establish an engine cover around an oil filter, address the Section Connection and separation of the quick disconnect coupling. 38 Establish a hose of the soaking-up air on a box of the air filter of the engine. 39 Lower the car on wheels. 40 Fix stabilizer collars on a beam of a forward suspension bracket by the moment of 25 N • m. For this purpose the car has to be in normal situation. 41 Pass on the car and check tightness of the pallet of a case. If necessary carefully tighten fastening bolts. 42 Fix by bolts the lower cover of a motive compartment, address the Section Removal and installation of the lower cover of a motive compartment. | |