BMW 3 Series E46 + BMW 3 cars (E46) + Current leaving and service + Engine + Cooling systems, heating - Power supply systems, injection and release Security measures and rules of respect for purity during the work with fuel system Removal and installation of the sensor of a reserve of fuel / fuel pump Check of the sensor of a reserve of fuel + Power supply system of petrol engines + System of injection of fuel of the petrol engine + Power supply system of diesel engines - System of production of the fulfilled gases Operation of the catalytic converter Security measures for an exception of damages of the catalytic converter Turbocompressor Removal and installation of system of release Check of tightness of system of production of the fulfilled gases Removal and installation of the sensor of oxygen Removal and installation of a final collector + Engine electric equipment + RKPP and transmission line + Automatic transmission + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment + Schemes of electric equipment
Removal and installation of a final collector Models 316i, 318i
1 Disconnect a reception pipe from a final collector, address the Section Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline. 2 Turn off two bolts of fastening of the pipeline for air supply in a final collector. 3 Turn off bolts of fastening and remove a final collector from a head of cylinders. | |
4 Clear sealing surfaces on a final collector and a head of cylinders. Surely replace sealing laying with new. 5 Grease a carving of hairpins of fastening of a final collector with high-temperature copper lubricant. 6 Fix a final collector by the new self-stopped copper nuts, having tightened them cross-wise from within outside, the efforts given in Specifications. 7 Fix the air supply pipeline with new laying on a final collector. 8 Fix a reception pipe with new consolidation the moment of 30 N • m on a final collector. | | Models 320d
9 Remove the filtering element of the air filter of the engine, address the Section Replacement of the Filtering Element of the Air Filter.
10 Uncover bolts of fastening of a turbocompressor in points-1-. 11 Remove the screen at a level-2-down (an arrow on an illustration). | 12 Turn off bolts of fastening of a turbocompressor to a final collector through three openings. 13 Turn off two bolts of fastening of the pipeline of recirculation of the fulfilled gases from a final collector. 14 Turn off nuts of fastening and remove a final collector from a head of cylinders. | |
15 Clear sealing surfaces on a final collector and a head of cylinders. Surely replace sealing laying with new. 16 Grease a carving of hairpins of fastening of a final collector with high-temperature copper lubricant. 17 Fix a final collector by the new self-stopped copper nuts, having tightened them cross-wise from within outside, the efforts given in Specifications. 18 Fix the pipeline for air supply with new laying on a final collector. 19 Fix a turbocompressor with new laying the moment of 45 N • m to a final collector.
20 Insert sideways to a level-2 screen. | 21 Put to the place of a cover of bolts of fastening of a turbocompressor to the case of the air filter. 22 Establish the filtering element of the air filter of the engine, address the Section Replacement of the Filtering Element of the Air Filter. |
| Models 320i, 323i, 328i